by HeartWorks | Jul 30, 2015 | Astrology, Enriching Articles |
Blue Moon in Aquarius
31st July 2015 at 6:12pm, Kuala Lumpur
Happy Blue Moon in Aquarius. The blue moon phenomena happens once every two to three years. Although there has been no special meaning assigned to the blue moon astrologically, this particular full moon has its own particular brand of magic.
The Aquarian full moon encourages us to find and center in our own truth and authenticity. Do we believe in something that sets us apart from others? Can we find the courage inside of ourselves to live our truth and to be ourselves if that means being different? What would it take for us to live centered in our authenticity?
The full moon is a time of ripening. We experience the results and lessons that come from our intentions and actions from previous cycles. What is appearing for you at this time? The full moon in Aquarius lights the path by rapidly firing innovative and eclectic ideas. She invites you to take a clear, detached,bird’s eye view of your life. As we are immersed in the energies of Aquarius’s electric genius, we begin to see where and how we can begin to live more authentically.
Aquarius rules humanitarianism, groups, collectives, communities, friendships as well as technology. We might find our selves being more concerned with what is happening to us collectively, and find inspiration to contribute or participate in endeavors that contribute to the betterment of the collective. This is especially apt with the ongoing political and social crisis in Malaysia.
Along with the social and group focus of the Aquarian full moon, the Sun, being in the sign of Leo encourages us to shine and share our unique gifts. Leo rules the heart, and all that we love. During Leo season, we seek and celebrate pleasure, life and creativity. For Leo, the creativity, joy, playfulness and expression that we offer up to others and to the world is a gift that comes from our hearts, and affirms life and love.
The shadow of Leo is needing attention and applause to feed its own sense of special-ness. Here, the Aquarian moon prods us to speak and to honor our truth, even if that costs us our popularity. The Aquarian shadow is that of being too detached and aloof, even as it purports to further humanity. Here, the warmth and heart of Leo can bring more color and life to Aquarius’s projects. With the full moon polarities, we are asked to balance and integrate the best of both energies.
May this full moon light our hearts up with joyful love and creativity, as we find the freedom to colour outside the lines and to live and create outside the box.
Empowered by Melissa Lin
I am an artist and astrologer who is currently living in, and exploring the wonderful wild world of Gabon. I have been interested in all things magical from a young age. That includes astrology, numerology, music and art. I began studying astrology during my Saturn return, and became a certified astrologer with Nightlight Astrology.
Astrology is a tool that offers wisdom and insight into the human soul and psyche. It can help you to align and return to who you truly are. It is a journey into self understanding that leads to self acceptance, self love and joy.
I love working with people using Astrology to uncover and reveal each person’s unique life path. Each person has special gifts and abilities, and Astrology can help one in finding and expressing those gifts.
Apart from mapping your story and potential, Astrology can also help you to see where you are in the cycle of life, helping you to navigate life challenges, prepare for and create options for a happy and bright future.
If you are interested in exploring your natal chart, or want help with career, emotional, relationship or money questions from an Astrological point of view, get a reading here.
by HeartWorks | Jan 13, 2015 | Enriching Articles |

I have been suffering from a bout of ‘almost’ having a Urinary Track Infection (UTI) this past week. People who had similar or used to getting UTI would know what I am talking about… its having the pain, yet not full fledge infection symptoms. Quite annoying really, but it got contained. Though I have been always very careful about my kidney as I know they are weak, this was something new to me. Normally symptoms like this goes in 1 day and this has lingered on for almost a week.
With so many things going on for me at this past 2 weeks, I didn’t get to really ask myself, or pay attention to what’s this about until I spoke to a friend today. I told him I had a week of almost UTIs and I’m starting to get worried, so asked him to energetically check what is going on.
“Who are you pissed off at?”
And that was all it takes to bring my awareness to the situation. That’s right! I am pissed off. There is so much build up emotionally inside me that needs to come up but its just not getting out at this point in time. Lots of conflicting information and feelings of abandonment and loss going on that I am not able to deal with now. So my body has once again, though its amazing reaction, reminded me that I need to look at this head on now.
So I made an appointment with myself tonight to look deeper at what is the root cause of the issue, acknowledge it, release the emotion and bring myself back to Balance.
I encourage you to listen to your body at all times, as each imbalance in your body tells you something you need to know and work on now. Not sure how it relates? Come speak to anyone of us. Sometimes all it takes is a awareness and listening ear.
by HeartWorks | Nov 13, 2014 | Events |
Our Chakras are Energy Centers that receives, assimilates and express our life force. It governs the way we feel, think or handles life situations.
This session will help you understand more about your energy centers, how they correlate to your life challenges right now and how you can heal and transform your life by clearing out and enlivening your chakras. This is a direct way to heal ourselves on all levels of our being – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
A powerful and highly effective session for clearing our emotional patterns, personality traits that are not helping you on the conscious and subconscious.
This session will bring in a combination of opening and using your senses, essential oils and intention to facilitate your own personal healing.
Facilitator: Jaime Shun
Date: 13th Dec 2014
Time: 4pm – 5.30pm
Fee: RM 83
To register, please SMS your name and “7CHAKRA” to +6017-611 0966 or send an email to
by HeartWorks | Nov 7, 2014 | Events |
Ka Huna Bodywork is unique in a number of respects. We as practitioners use our hands, forearms and elbows to massage. We use flowing Hula and Tai Chi style movements as we move around the massage table working with energy while applying soft and deep tissue massage.
Music is played while we attune the flow of the massage to harmonise the various rhythms within your body, mind and soul.
Principally Roger will work with your Bodies natural ability to heal itself. Roger’s focus will be to work with your “Wellness”.
Nothing is in isolation within your body and Roger will check from Head to Toe, working with what is presented to recreate balance and harmony in body that can then flow into your life.
Roger’s aim is to activate your body to heal itself so if you have a similar injury in the future your body will remember how to repair itself.
Roger has attracted the some incredible healing arts teachers into his life and he will endeavour to use the best of these techniques, his intuition and techniques he has developed to assist you on your healing journey.
His aim is to work with you to heal any imbalance (un ease) your body (life) may have. Some of the many things Roger can work with are Body alignment, Carpel Tunnel, RSI, Tennis Elbow, Fertility, Back Pain, Joint and muscle pain.
Facilitator : Roger Curtis
Date : 26 -27-28-29 October
Time: Call us to fix your appointment
Venue: HeartWorks
Ka Huna Massage: RM350/hour , RM100 for each subsequent hour.
Bodywork Massage: RM350/hour, RM100 for each subsequent hour.
Please call us @03-6211 0676 to book your session.
by HeartWorks | Nov 5, 2014 | Events |
This night is about integrating the changes and transformations that have occurred this year. With all the solar flares and eclipse’s we’ve been experiencing, it has no doubt been a very powerful transformational year for all.
Come open your Heart and Being in this supportive session where loving energies through song and hands will be shared with you. These energies will facilitate and catalyze your growth by bringing un-integrated aspects from a dynamic year of change fully into your reality. This integration and unlocking can bring about inspiration and newfound wisdom.
Alia and Beverly invite you to just relax, lie down and open to receive the sound activations and hands on healing.
We look forward to this Evening with you and feel free to bring along your friends and family for a session of Rest, Peace, Integration and Upliftment .
Facilitator: Alia Kearney & Beverly Charles
Date and Time: 11th of November – (7:30-9 pm)
Venue: HeartWorks
Fee: RM 85
To RSVP your seat please kindly call us via 03-6211 0676 or send us an email