
I have been suffering from a bout of ‘almost’ having a Urinary Track Infection (UTI) this past week. People who had similar or used to getting UTI would know what I am talking about… its having the pain, yet not full fledge infection symptoms. Quite annoying really, but it got contained. Though I have been always very careful about my kidney as I know they are weak, this was something new to me. Normally symptoms like this goes in 1 day and this has lingered on for almost a week.

With so many things going on for me at this past 2 weeks, I didn’t get to really ask myself, or pay attention to what’s this about until I spoke to a friend today. I told him I had a week of almost UTIs and I’m starting to get worried, so asked him to energetically check what is going on.

“Who are you pissed off at?”

And that was all it takes to bring my awareness to the situation. That’s right! I am pissed off. There is so much build up emotionally inside me that needs to come up but its just not getting out at this point in time. Lots of conflicting information and feelings of abandonment and loss going on that I am not able to deal with now. So my body has once again, though its amazing reaction, reminded me that I need to look at this head on now.

So I made an appointment with myself tonight to look deeper at what is the root cause of the issue, acknowledge it, release the emotion and bring myself back to Balance.

I encourage you to listen to your body at all times, as each imbalance in your body tells you something you need to know and work on now. Not sure how it relates? Come speak to anyone of us. Sometimes all it takes is a awareness and listening ear.