Have you felt particularly raw at this time? You may have been absorbing the fear energy buzzing around this planet at the moment. Tragedies, war, fear thoughts, all impact upon your psyche and energy field. You may find it hard to be positive or even focus on bringing your light through because you are focusing on all that is “bad” or agreeing with those who are very angry with the way things are.

But the good news is that all this chaos is on its way out. The chaos is as a result of the resistance to letting go of the old. When the ego is dying, it puts up quite a fight. You may even find this in your own life. Have you been very hard on yourself your whole life, and particularly recently, where you feel you need to be something else in order to be happy?

If you resonate with all this you are not alone. In this circle we’ll be clearing the energetic build up of these thought forms in your system, and realigning you to your higher purpose at this time, dear Earth Angel. Perhaps you feel that your true nature is Peace, Love …or a state of being that many others do not allow themselves to be at this time, for some reason. Perhaps you feel guilty if you are happy and others are not, and you may decide to forego your happiness to be loyal to others? But it is your birthright to get on point and shine your light so that the whole planet may be uplifted, for that is the only way to go.

In this circle, we will cover: –

*honoring your sensitivity & working with it instead of against
*your earth angel life purpose & how to attune your focus to fulfilling your destiny
*clearing & shielding techniques to get through difficult times
*get in touch with your inner goddess/god self – reclaiming your divinity
*sound healing to raise your vibration & open up creative expression thru chanting (voice work)
*reconnect to your past life mastery levels to assist you through challenging times
*find & honour your true wisdom & true self
*experience healing in the safety of a warm, friendly environment
*Earth healing to support Mother Earth & all her peoples…

The Fairies, the Angels, and the Divine beings & guides offer their assistance to us at this time. They know we have been asking for help and clarity, and in this group setting they can come through very strongly. Messages and channelings from them come through for our benefit & that of Earth. Blessings & Love.

Facilitators: Aurora Starling & Alia Kearney

Date: 8th of August
Time: 8 pm
Venue: HeartWorks
Fee: RM55

Free for all! Please RSVP by sending (Earth Angel- <No of Pax> ) to 017-611-0966 for registration.