Have you ever wondered why you may choose to seek out unconventional methods during challenging times? Especially when science cannot explain it or your logical mind just cannot phantom it and your unrestful feelings just wants to get some answers. You may seek out card readers, psychics or healers to get a different perspective because conventional methods just cannot give you the answer you want.
Do you know that this ‘gift’ lies in ALL of us?!
Yes! Just like an being able to paint, or program softwares cook up a storm, we all have gifts within us that are dormant until we start discovering more about it. The gift to see into the past, the future and get unlimited guidance is all within us, waiting to be uncovered and all it takes is just to get initiated into it and learn how to use it.
Imagine the things that you can do when you are able to access information for yourself and your loved ones whenever you need to.
Go to the past to review a missing piece of information or go to the future to see a possible outcome and redesign your path. And even seek guidance from higher sources, or the collective consciousness so your path can be a smoother one. All this can be learned and trained because everyone has this ability to train the muscle in seeing and receiving information.
This ancient wisdom is passed down from Teacher to Student in a download.
Just like a software you would download to your phone to access certain programs, when you learn from a Teacher, they are able to gift and unlock your hidden potential in these gifts so that you now have access to it.
In this 2 hour time spent with the Teacher, you will get to experience being in these different dimensions and spaces that will allow you to see auras, access your past, connect to angels and guides and look into the future.
You will be amazed at what you see when you enter into the dimensions where auras, past lives, and spirit guides can be easily seen. Receive information and make connections that support your path from now and into the future. Access powerful messages from beyond for yourself, and others. Over 90% of the people who attend this class see auras, past lives, and/or spirit guides with their physical eyes during the first hour. A unique gift to have, come be in the presence of Jaime Shine of the 24th generation in an unbroken Mayan lineage that originated in Southeastern Mexico and be transformed!
For the next session, please contact us.