Energy Healing
Our health is not just about our physical body, it’s a combined total of our vitality in our mind, heart, body and soul. Healing one over the other is just ineffective”
Energy Healing is an age old practise our forefathers have been using to heal us way before when Doctors were present. They work on our life force and getting it back into balance so that it can function optimally on its own. Like accupuncture, chiropractic or qi-gong – it aims to bring the body back to balance. Energy Healing is the same. It removes stuck unhealthy patterns that has been piled up over the years and bring it back to balance. Leaving you feeling more at peace, alive and well.
Explore what energy healing can do! Try a session and see how much difference it will make!
Energy Healing Introductory Session
This session will take the holistic approach and address all areas of your life that you may be feel stuck. Physical pains, dis-ease, illnesses or mental, emotional issues can be discussed.
Then you will lie down for 20 mins to receive these beautiful energies into your mind, body, heart and soul.
It will end with a debriefing on what was experienced by the facilitator and yourself as well as how you can proceed forward.
People have experienced lightness, ease, love, gentleness, peace and freedom after the session. Experience yours today!
Duration : 45 Mins
Fees : RM150 per session
Availability : Online Video Call
Energy Healing Complete
Ready to jump right in?
All 6 sessions are aimed to give you a complete overhaul on your emotional patterns that may be keeping your heart closed, issues with your physical body or mental restrictions driving your fears up.
These sessions are tailor made to your individual needs however each of the session will address the following:
1. Healing the Past
We all have a past that makes us who we are, however that past may be negatively affecting our current. In these sessions, we will uncover and move those negative patterns, blockages, pain and move into release and peace.
2. Addressing the Patterns
We all have those naggy unhealthy patterns like poor discipline, lack of energy, bad diet, procrastination, fear, etc that limits our vibrancy. We will address key areas that are linked to illnesses as they reveal telltale signs of why we become ill and serve as a good means of prevention.
3. Shifting Vibrations
We are made up of energy first then our physical body. When we correct energy system imbalances, then our body has a chance to heal. We will be working on all the 11 bodily systems and major organs associated with them. Purging toxins and bringing in light to these
4. Moving forward positively
After releasing all that we need to, we will look at anchoring in right patterns, behaviour, mindset that can help us thrive.
Again, sessions are all tailored made to your needs. At the end of all 6 sessions, you will feel more alive, vibrant and ready to take on the world in a different space.
Duration : 1 Hour 15 Mins each
Fees : RM1800 (normal RM1,200)
Availability : In Person or Online Video Call
Note: Each individual and their challenges are unique. We recommend doing 6 sessions first and for chronic issues, continue on with more as necessary.

Contact Us Today to book your Healing
Whether you have tried energy healing before or have been going to them religiously, you owe it to yourself to create more peace and love in your life. So don’t wait to feel better. Contact us to schedule your Healing session now!