When you learn the real essence behind cash, you will know how to master making Cash.
Whether you make a living in a job or build your own business, having and building cash is an important aspect of life. There is so much issues when people struggle with having enough cash – they constantly worry for their livelihood, puts themselves in a dilemma that they cannot seem to come out of and no matter what they do, cant seem to get themselves out of the situation. They develop illogical fears of life that leads to depression and ill heath, life seems to just spiral downward even more.
In actual fact, Cash is more an energy than just a physical paper note. How you deal with it is how you deal with how you treat yourself and others. If you would respect Cash, you will in turn have more come in. When you understand the dynamics behind how cash is a relationship with you and with the way you view all other areas of you life, you can improve it.
When I was struggling with depression because of cash, I seem to be stuck in a big black hole. No matter what I do, it feels like I am still stuck in that hole not being able to get out. It is only through understanding the energetics of cash – that it is an energy we harness, that it has a colour and an essence, that I need to have a healthy view and relationship with it. Only then with determination, self awareness and practise that I am able to get myself out of that situation and am happy to say that I continue to thrive with this new understanding of cash and able to help others with them too. So I highly recommend anyone who is wanting to get out of poverty, wanting to build a new level of cash in their life takes this invaluable workshop on cash.
To join in the next Cash Magic workshop, please contact us.