DNA Healing
Our DNA is a physical and energetic code that contains information and instructions that shape how our life is manifested. It determines our physical make up, dis-eases, our personality traits, behavior, material means and more.
Our DNA replicates and reproduces new cells all the time and that is why through DNA Healing, you are able to change the energetic codes it currently carries and remove traits that we do not want (diseases, lack, low esteem, fear) and insert the traits that we want (courage, good health, cash, happiness).
DNA Healing is a powerful and highly effective technique that has been passed down in an unbroken Mayan lineage that originated from Mexico and Korean Masters.
This powerful process anchors in profound shifts and changes effortlessly within you and family upward, downward and laterally reaching 1/32 of your genetic line giving deep healing and big changes in your family and your own life. Many have reported major positive changes within themselves and with their families physically, mentally, emotionally, materially and spiritually.
A: DNA Clearing
This process REMOVES and clears unwanted DNA patterns for you and your family line easily and swiftly working even on the most difficult patterns. Advisable to start with this to clear out your DNA.
Benefits of a DNA Clearing
– Remove Diseases (diabetes, cancer, back problems, etc)
– Change Physical attributes (better skin, less weight, more hair, etc)
– Remove Patterns (inability to secure wealth, abusive relationships, addictions, etc)
– Remove Personality Traits (fear, low self esteem, guilt, anger, phobias, procrastination, indiscipline, etc)
– Remove Spiritual patterns (past life vows, karma, chakra blockages, entities, etc)
Duration: 2 hours
B: DNA Anchoring
This Map allows you to REMOVE attributes you do not want in your DNA and also INSERT attributes that you want. If you have been through many clearing sessions and are ready to insert in positivity into your life, this will be great for you. There are 12 Strands in total, and each map Anchoring Map you do will shift one strand.
Benefits of a DNA Anchoring and Restructuring
– Insert positive patterns (cash, opportunities, skills mastery, loving relationships, etc)
– Insert desired physical attributes (healthy skin, healthy metabolic rates, healthy heart, healthy immune system etc)
– Insert positive personality traits (joy, gratitude, self-confidence, self love, discipline)
– Insert positive spiritual traits (Clairvoyance, Psychic abilities, healing mastery, etc)
Duration: 2 hours (First hour in person, other in facilitators own time)
A copy of the Map will be scanned and sent to you after its completion.
C: DNA Compacting
This deep and profound healing shifts and heals all 12 Strands of your DNA. Works great as a follow up to your Clearing and Anchoring session or on its own, it brings deep profound healing on the conscious and subconscious to bring in the shifts that you need right now. Compacting and healing the 12 strands so it functions at its optimal state and assist in bringing out the mapping most efficiently and affectively to manifest the positive changes. Deep and profound healing happens after this session.
The strands will be identified for you to give you more information about who you are, why you are here and your life purpose.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Single Sessions : RM800 each
Package Sessions
Package 1: 1 DNA Clearing, 1 DNA Mapping & 1 DNA Healing session for 1 person Highly Recommended for Complete Healing
Cost: RM2,000
Package 2: 12 DNA Maps with 2 DNA Clearing Maps and 2 DNA Healing sessions (sessions can be shared within the family or with friends) Highly Recommended for Transformative Personal and Family Healing
Cost: RM9,600

Jaime has trained many DNA students and they would be able to help you conduct the same DNA Sessions at a beginners fee of
Fees : RM250 per session
This would be done over an Online Video Call, please contact us at info@heartworks.my to request for an appointment for either Jaime or her students
Contact Us Today to book your DNA Healing Sessions