Deeksha in Sanskrit is defined as “transmission or blessing”. It can also mean “to initiate something within”, qualities within our potential that were previously dormant or difficult to access. Experiences vary from quite palpable to the very subtle. As we all have a unique composite of life experiences, strengths, wounds, beliefs, talents and stages of personal growth, The Oneness Deeksha brings about a shift in what is most needed at the time.

Some of the things you will experience after receiving Deeksha:

An expansive shift in perspective in any aspect of our life,
An exhale and release of things that do not serve us,
An uplifting of the spirit,
A quieting of the chatter of the mind,
An awakening to our true potential,
A realization that even when it’s painful, it’s alright; it will move through,
Causeless peace and joy,
A sense of calm,
The experience of connectedness,
Unconditional love.

If you want to experience the above and receive a free deeksha blessing, please come and join us!

Date: 26th of August and 9th of September
Time: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Venue: HeartWorks


to reserve your session please call us at 03-6211 0676 or send an email to