by HeartWorks | Mar 26, 2014 | Events |
In this workshop you will have an opportunity to participate in an amazing and enjoyable experiential process toward becoming all you were meant to be.
The work is highly personal and accessible, flexibly tailored to the individuals present in the group, as well as spiritually uplifting, without limits in its application.
We exist within a complex multidimensional web of relationship that transcends time and space. As we heal ancient limiting patterns, we become able to tap into greater levels of freedom and capability and can take part in the magnificent creation that is this universe.
The configuration of people through the space of a room or other environment is used to create a dynamic map of relationship. Consciousness is holographic, and can be perceived by intentional movement in relationship to people and situations.
In this very safe environment, you can see how your inner life, your approach to relationship, family and ancestral influences, and social, political, and ecological systemic disturbances, affect your way of being in the world — not always consciously. As we learn new ways of being, we are free to re-create and co-create a world in which all can thrive, where action arises from integrity, inner knowing, and our innate goodness and joy
Because the method is experiential, rather than didactic, the results are profound. It provides you with an opportunity to learn deeply about yourself and the underlying energetic patterns that inform your reality.
The most beautiful aspect of the Laboratory of Life, is that it is endlessly creative, because it is a discovery process. It is totally involving because everyone participating is making discoveries about themselves and their worlds.
“The time I spent in the Laboratory of Life workshop was amazing! Elisa made us feel safe and seen… It was powerful, liberating and truly magical! Elisa is one of the best facilitators I have ever experienced.”
~ Brett Bevell, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Reiki Master, author
Laboratory of Life: Becoming Masters of Life and Light
Date: 19 April 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 10.00am – 5.00pm
Fee: RM550
Location: HeartWorks, Desa Sri Hartamas
To register, please contact HeartWorks by SMS or Call 012-3771191 or email us
Part sponsorship available for those financially challenged, please contact us for more information on that.
Come for both workshops and pay only RM990. Check it out here
by HeartWorks | Mar 14, 2014 | Events |
Meet Paul and Sri and learn how you can easily shift your mood with powerful and pure doTERRA essential oils. Manage fear, anxiety, stress, shame, ego, despair, heartbreak and more. Shift from feeling negative emotions to joy, peace, calmness, love, clarity.
Learn from this powerful couple on ways to maintain loving relationships and to create yours.

Date: 28th March 2014
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Fee: RM30
To register, please SMS “MOODS” and your name to 012-3771191
by HeartWorks | Mar 11, 2014 | Events |
Learn to see, touch, talk, create miracles and heal with angels. Learn to experience the angelic realms and seek assistance from them.
Level 1
This course is guaranteed to change your life and your perception of the world as you know it and give you inner peace and ability to cope with your challenges in life.
A wonderful course for those new to this area OR for advanced practitioners…and is guaranteed to greatly enhance your psychic abilities…
Experience powerful meditations personally channeled by Sri to connect you with your Guardian angels and Archangels and to receive messages from them.
Course Benefits
* How to do Angel readings for yourself and friends by reading their aura and communicating directly with angels and spirits
* How to see and be touched by angels. Everybody in this course can feel or sense angels or touch them and many see them
* How to draw angel visions, experiences and miracles to you and communicate with deceased loved ones
* Special methods and practices to enhance your ability to see angels and auras
* How angels can heal you and your loved ones and how to request a Miracle Healing for yourself and others
Includes two beautiful energy attunements. Connect with HAMIED, the angel of miracles to bring miracles into your life!
Also connects you with the angelic realms quickly and easily and to activate your third eye vision and spiritual hearing and Archangel Raphael’s powerful healing energy.
Level 2
This course will focus on developing your skills to receive messages from angels and to use them to give accurate readings for yourself, family, friends and clients.
You will need to buy a set of ‘Messages from your Angels’ by Doreen Virtue PHD and we will use these amazing cards as the basis of the readings we do. You will be taught to use them in mainly intuitive way and as a focus for your clairvoyance. Please remember to bring them to the course!
Course Benefits
* Highly effective spreads not in the guide book will be demonstrated as well as detailed additional information about the cards
* Includes methods to further develop your third eye vision so you can read your clients aura and energy, plus further insights on medical intuition and aura colours
* Two very powerful and beautiful energy attunements including to the Archangels Metatron & Gabrielle to reconnect you energetically to your psychic self & to assist you with readings
* Meet your spirit guide to assist you in contacting deceased loved ones for mediumship readings
* Learn to channel messages DIRECT from the Angels and Spirit World for yourself and clients
* Spiritual Counselling skills to enable you to always give an uplifting and positive reading
* Skills in identifying the source of messages Angels or Departed Loved Ones
* Find answers to personal concerns in this highly experiential and interactive course
Please bring extra sets of Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards if you have them as you will be shown how to do detailed readings using multiple card decks.
All students will receive a certificate of attendance after completion of this course.
Facilitated by Sri Mulyadi and Paul Filmer

The combined energies of both Sri and Paul bringing special co creating energies is reason enough to attend their workshops with them.
SRI MULYADI is an especially gifted natural healer who has been initiated in the Great Pyramid and Temples of Egypt as a High Priestess of the Goddesses Sekhmet and Isis.
She is also an Advanced Isis Mystery School Authorised Teacher plus an Angel Miracles Teacher and Psychic.
Having studied many other systems of healing and spiritual developer, her healings and teachings are profound and powerful and allows for great alchemy in your life.
Sri offers healings and psychic readings, teaches Angel Miracles and Isis Courses in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Egypt. At her own healing center in Singapore, The Blue Lotus, she also hosts events for a number of International Healers, Psychics and Teachers.
PAUL FILMER Originally from South Australia now living in Singapore, has traveled and explored many cultures to further his spiritual development.
Paul was drawn to Humanities early in life, with many constant themes attracting him to creativity, metaphysics, earth, fitness and the strength of being positive.
Paul started his journey in the early 80’s, learning hands on healing and foot reflexology. Since having an Egyptian awakening in 2009, he has experienced Breathwork, Shamanic healing, Tarot, Awakening of the Illuminated Heart and Heart Mastery.
Paul is an Advanced Isis Lotus Healer and an authorised Angel Miracles Level 1 & 2 teacher. He is also a certified practitioner for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) & Spiritual Restructuring (SPR). These experiences offers Paul great insights into overcoming your problems and belief systems, he uses Isis Lotus Healing and readings to start the healing process.He will then be intuitively guided to clear blocks and offer guidance for your development.Paul has previously worked in the Performing Arts for 25 years, and has a degree in Visual Arts.
During his studies, he focused on philosophies of Jung, Kandinsky, Rudolf Steiner and Herman Hesse.
Angel Miracles by Isis Mystery School
Level 1: 1 & 2 May 2014 (Thur (PHol), Friday)
Level 2: 3 & 4 May 2014 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am – 6pm daily
Fee: RM1,300 per level
PAUL AND SRI will also be conducting private sessions at HeartWorks read it here:
For enquiries or to register, please call 012-3771191 or contact us.
by HeartWorks | Feb 5, 2014 | Events |
Our Chakras system are 7 Wheels or Disks stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of our spine to the top of our head. These Energy Centers are our operating system and holds and transmits information that affects our behavior, emotions, physical ailments and much more. It receives, assimilates and express our life force. Ideally our chakras can be opened and flowing and when it is closed or blocked, we will experience certain stagnation or struggle with our survival, emotions, will power, relationships, communication, vision and our consciousness.
This session will help you understand more about your energy centers, how they correlate to your life challenges right now and how you can heal and transform your life by clearing out and enlivening your chakras. This is a direct way to heal ourselves on all levels of our being – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
In this highly effective meditation, you will be guided to use your awareness to bring up any situation that may be holding you back now, the power of intention and your senses combining with the 7 Chakra oils from the pure and therapeutic grade doTERRA essential oils range to assist in facilitating your personal healing. You will experience your chakras opening, deep clearing and healing and leave feeling light and deeply relaxed.
Facilitated by Jaime Shun
Date: 11 March 2014 (Tues)
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Fee: RM60
SAVE MORE with our Weekly Meditation Pass!
Pick up our Weekly Meditation Pass and save with our options below:
Option A
Buy 5 Sessions at RM239 (Usual RM300)
Option B
3 Months Pass at RM459 (worth more than RM1,000) unlimited sessions and 10% discount for all workshops and therapies.
Pay via PayPal here:
To register, please SMS your name and “7CHAKRA” to +6012-3771191
by HeartWorks | Jan 10, 2014 | Events |
Come join us in this Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology talk and find out what the year of the Fire Horse has in stored for you!
Some of us will experience more challenges whilst others will find that it will be a breeze with much opportunities. So capitalise with what you are born with (Heaven Luck) and take advantage of the year’s energies (Earth Luck) coupled with doing the right thing and the right time (Man Luck) to have a successful, prosperous and fulfilling 2014!
This talk will address:
1) The year’s world events, natural disasters, our country and its progress and influences on us
2) Earth Luck or better known as Feng Shui and how it influences you and your home. The sectors to enhance or avoid
3) Your personal luck based on your Chinese Astrology sign. The 12 Animals and the outlook or the year
4) Special dates for activating wealth or relationships or to avoid certain activities
The Speaker Nancy Yeoh Metaphysics for Success & Happiness
Date: 18 January 2014
Time: 10.00 – 1.00pm
Fee: RM50 with refreshments
To register, please SMS “ASTRO 2014” with you name to 012-3771191 or email
by HeartWorks | Dec 18, 2013 | Events |
~ Sashaying into the Abundant You, 2014 ~
with Tristen Churn
Date: Dec 21, 2013 (Sat)
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Energy Exchange: RM 48.00 per pax
Message from the Goddess Isis
“Reciprocate to yourself when you reach this point of time. The end of a year is phase to prepare you to glide into the threshold of a new year. You have moved through so many challenges in 2013, gaining your self-mastery on each and every step of your way. So now it is time to take stock of yourself, chuck the old and adopt the new, especially in your own belief system.
Please look into areas that you can love yourself more, generate heaps of happiness and abundance flow back to your life. Remember my child, all the clearing and healing processes are worth doing them when you hold the focus to shift your paradigm from a negative to a positive state of living. One of our purposes is to help you to understand your duality existence on Earth. While you attain the wisdom of this masculine and feminine existence, you will also master and take charge of your life elements. Abundance of all positivity is always available and it awaits you to claim your rights.”
Friendly reminder:
Dear Divine Ones, for this meditation please bring along your favorite:
1) Abundance crystal (Yellow crystal): Citrine, Topaz, Honey Calcite and Golden Rutilated Quartz.
2) Manifesting crystal: Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Spirit Quartz and Fairy Quartz.
Profile of Facilitator
Tristen Churn became a yoga practitioner in 2001 and he is currently a yoga instructor in few centres where he combines yoga philosophy with spiritual understanding in his classes. Previously, Tristen was guided in Chan Meditation and he also learnt various meditation techniques with international teachers which enrich his experience.
Through a higher guidance, he acquired new age metaphysical understandings several years ago. Spiritual courses that he completed are:
• Divine Will Workshop – Orin and Daben
• Releasing Your Healing Voice with Angels
• Angels’ Connection Workshop
• Awakening Your Lightbody – Orin and Daben
• Almine’s 5-Day Workshop
• Judy Satori’s Workshops
In this life time, Tristen connects to his Soul’s wisdom on Crystals, Starseed, Yogi and Buddhist as the foundation of his services. By becoming a multi-dimensional channeller, he communicates with Ascended Masters, Star Beings and Crystals to bring in the truth of love and wisdom and their therapeutic energies for the people. He also received initiations from both Ascended and Earth Masters to serve humanity such as Belvaspata Grand Master by Almine. Spiritually, he chooses to become a Conduit of Lights and Frequencies specializes in Crystal Intelligence which involves crystal therapy and attunement of human energy systems as well as Crystal Technology.
Tristen provides intuitive energy services in Divinity Card Reading, especially Tarot and Angel Card Reading (10 years of experience), Crystal/Masters Channelling & Therapy, Crystalline Karmic/Regenerative Healing, Crystalline Abundance Series and other services to public. He travels to places such as states of Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and other countries to share his gifts. His sharing is available at