by HeartWorks | Apr 29, 2014 | Enriching Articles |

If you could look into your future, who would you be and what would you see? There is power in looking at your life now through the lens of the future. What would your future self, the one that has achieved all that they set out to do, say to the you of today?
This thought resonated with me when I heard a story that was told by the facilitator of an incredible programme I was attending. He shared that early on in his career, he had come to a crossroads where he had a choice, to continue trying to be a life coach or to go back to his previous, very successful, job. After many months of trying to be a life coach without much success, his coach had given him an ultimatum to set a deadline after which if he still could not get clients, he would have to go back to his old profession. Thankfully, he had no desire to go back to his previous job and, on the last day of his deadline, managed to create a breakthrough that ensured that he continued his journey of changing people’s lives.
In the time since then, he has touched the lives of countless people. He has transformed people into leaders who have in turn gone on to make an impact on even more lives. Indeed, he has left an indelible mark on the world by continuing on the path that he set out on and generating breakthroughs that make the extraordinary possible.
As I sat there listening to his story and in the presence of how amazing it was that 17 years ago, the person who had created a programme that was showing me my potential and giving me the tools to support the growth of others, could have given up and none of this would have happened. It made me wonder about the dreams we have and the goals that we set for ourselves.
Often, when we follow our dreams and seek to live our purpose and our truth, the beginning can be difficult. We might be taking risks, going into the unknown, exploring the extent of our potential. We might face rejection or failure or life might pop up in unexpected ways to challenge us. During those times, it might be hard to believe that everything is going to be okay. How we hold true to our vision and commitment is what will define us.
The biggest thing that struck me about what he shared was this, we may not be able to predict the future but we can have visions of the future that we want to create. What would be different if my facilitator, with his current success, could talk to the self that was at the crossroads that would define the rest of his life. What if he had known that not only would things be more than alright but that he would achieve far more than he could have dreamed?
Have you experienced a situation where you had to make a choice to follow your dreams and felt like giving up? What would be impossible if you gave up and would be possible if you continued? What would be different if you knew that not only would everything be fine but that you would achieve more than you could imagine?

Nadine Valdes is a professional life coach who works with people to discover their true purpose, create loving relationships and lead fulfilled lives. She is happily married and loves all things related to music, movies, transformation and spiritual development. Nadine practises in HeartWorks
by HeartWorks | Apr 9, 2014 | Enriching Articles |

How many times have you experienced a situation when someone gave you a compliment and your first response is to blush and play it down?
“I’m not REALLY brave, beautiful, generous, kind, brilliant or any of that good stuff. You’re just saying that because you don’t really know me. If you did you wouldn’t say such nice things.” Another response might be to regard such statements with suspicion, “What do they want from me this time?”
I am intimately familiar with these responses because, for a long time, these were the thoughts that would run through my head every time someone would say something nice to me. I was convinced that if they knew the ‘truth’ about me they wouldn’t say these things anymore. Somehow, I found it far easier to believe that I was ugly, unlovable and a generally terrible person than that I was a person of value and that there were people who could see that in me.
In spite of my strong, and dearly held, negative beliefs about myself, I did have a deep love for my friends and eventually I found myself faced with a dilemma. I could insist that I was a horrible unlovable person and believe that they were either fools or bad judges of character, or I could honour them for the amazing people that I saw them to be and accept that there might be some truth to their compliments.
The funny thing was that I often saw myself mirrored in them. I would acknowledge what I saw in these beautiful, amazing people I called my friends only to have my compliments unceremoniously rejected.
“No, no, I’m not REALLY like that. You’re just being nice.”
After one of the times it happened, I thought to myself, “Are they calling me a liar or a fool for not knowing what I am seeing?”
I realized with a shock, that was what I had been doing every time I had rejected someone else’s compliment. I was not honoring their generosity and willingness to acknowledge the better parts of myself. It did not mean that I was not still the things I believed, but I had to be more than that, there had to be more that these people were pointing to.
The feedback my friends give me are profound gifts that help me discover the real truth of what my strengths are and the highlight the best parts of me, especially when it seems hidden and goodness seems hard to find. It is part of what has given me a choice on who I want to be and who I know I can be. These days, I treat each compliment like it’s a treasure, knowing that when someone gifts it to me, they are also recognizing a part of themselves that is just as beautiful and just as great.
What is your experience with compliments? What would be different if you practiced gracious acceptance of compliments? Let us know in the comments below.

Nadine Valdes is a professional life coach who works with people to discover their true purpose, create loving relationships and lead fulfilled lives. She is happily married and loves all things related to music, movies, transformation and spiritual development. Nadine practises in HeartWorks
by HeartWorks | Mar 25, 2014 | Enriching Articles |
I was about to rush out for a meeting only to discover I had a flat tire. BUMMER! It’s one of those things in life where you would only need to learn how to do it, when you need to use it – so I had no clue what to do or how to begin.
So I put on my usual problem solving mode and looked at my options. Change it myself or get someone else to do it. I rang up my brother in law and he told me that if I drive my car out to the mechanic only just 100metres away, I would risk damaging my tire for good and since it looks kinda new, that option is out the window. So I rang up my mom who apparently has lots of experiences changing car tires (so very impressed) and I asked her to come teach me how to do it.
First things first, you have to look for all the tools and of course the replacement tire. I don’t even know where everything was. I couldn’t find the jack, nor all the pieces of tools you need to lift the car – so lesson number 1 is to always examine where everything is before you have a crisis.
Luckily for me, mom’s car has all the stuff I didn’t and we proceeded to jack the car up. Even finding the spot to put the jack is a chore because if you put it on the wrong spot, you will crack your car’s body. After very sweaty moments of deliberation under the scorching sun, brother in law came to the rescue. HURRAY! So he helped do the dirty work for me while I learned from the pro how it is done properly. Within 15 minutes, the wheel was replaced and I can now drive it to the mechanic to have them fix the tire.
Reflecting back on this, I wonder why I had to experience a car puncture today. Perhaps its because I have been using that word a lot lately to express how I was feeling – especially at the workouts when I’m feeling breathless and exhausted. But more importantly it is a reflection on how I can deal with any issues I had in life.
Every and any issue can be solved.
So when you get yourself in a sticky situation – what do you do? You deal with it. You take a moment and lay down your cards and get the facts straight by gathering all the information. Or ask for help if you haven’t a clue. Next, you gather all the tools needed for the job and then you DO IT or learn how to do it. Even if it means getting grease all over your hands. It’s your life, your issues, just deal with it!
So the next time you are faced with a situation, get pass the ‘why me?’ syndrome and go learn something new by dealing with it. Because it is with these experiences that you learn to rise up to the occasion, any occasion and strive.

Ps. and if you ever needed to know, here’s how to change a car tire 🙂
by HeartWorks | Mar 14, 2014 | Enriching Articles |
How does an airplane suddenly disappear into thin air? That was the question that got us curious enough to seek some advice from the Divine and was invited to go into a meditation and travel there to see for ourselves what has happened to the missing plane. So 4 curious and eager souls meet up in HeartWorks last Sunday and sat in a circle to go on a journey of discovery. And what a journey it was.
Before we began, we shared insights that came through on the amount of fear that is in our mass consciousness about the entire incident and we were all reminded and assisted to let go of our fears. Fear of the unknown and the fear of failure will not serve us, it will only make things worse.
We were then asked to open up all our senses and to speak up and continuously share what we were seeing or sensing during the entire duration. Though not a common practise in meditation, it is very necessary this time to affirm what each of us is going through simultaneously so we know for sure it really happening. We were also reminded to stay centered in our hearts as we travel throughout the entire journey. Having full trust and faith in ourselves and in the Divine.
We activated our Merkaba and used it as a vessel for our travels and felt crystalline energies building up and expansiveness coming through our bodies. We can sense the timeline being stretched for us as we expand even more and through these light energy frequencies we are able to lift of.
And away we went. Travelling through time and space, it felt very safe, feeling and seeing light and expansion as we move up into the 7th Dimension and onwards to the star constellation called Draco.

We could hear a humming sound as we approach, like the sound of an aircraft as we approach closer. We all felt a sensation of being squashed and breathlessness in this going into this dimension and so we asked that our frequencies be aligned and attuned to their frequencies. Immediately we felt better and so we moved further in.
At that moment, we were greeted by a being of high stature in a purple robe that has a face liken to what you would see on Star Wars and was then confirmed that reptilians occupy the Draco constellation.
At that point we were a little taken aback to see reptilians and their reputation precedes them. However, he exudes a very calm quality and commanding quality that put us all at ease and we know we were not threatened in anyway. He then told us that he knew why we are here and ushered us to carry on and stick close together to finish our mission.
So we carried on and finally reached the aircraft. Immediately, everyone felt a sense of peace and calmness like everyone on board was asleep. There were no fear at all, just this sense of nothingness in this crowded airplane. Exploring further we went into the cockpit and saw the pilot and co-pilot in the same state of nothingness and calmness like they were frozen in time. Just frozen.
We experienced the peace and lightness of the plane further and after a while I asked, “Will they come back alive?” and instantly a no came from one of us. In that moment, I felt very sad. “They would be discovered under the sea” she said again. And a wave of silence fell over us all.
Sensing something was amiss, as it was not a consensus, we turned and asked the Divine to shed some light into this as we were told they WILL come back. A wave of light energies came in to transform and transcend all negative thoughts and projections from our thought patterns and consciousness. In that instant, a wave of peace and light flowed through once again. The sense of peace and nothingness came again and we knew that they WILL be alright and they will return very soon.
Shortly after, we were told that we have learnt what we came here to learn and that we will need to return to earth now. We came back in our capsule and send a wave of love, peace and light to everyone on board and everyone involved in the search and rescue of MH370.
When we were fully back into our bodies, we shared our amazing experience. We got that this has to happen to allow people to understand that it is time for us to awaken to the hard fact that we are now in the 5th dimension. It is time to awaken. Travelling through dimensions and teleportation will be very possible and that is just one of the beauty of life here now on Earth.
One most important factor that we came to realised is how powerful our thoughts and projections are. When we think the worse of a situation ‘collectively’ it will become a reality. When we continue to hope and pray for miracles for the safe return, that will become our reality.

So let us continue to project positively on their safe return and stay united, not only as Malaysians, but as human beings caring for another fellow human being on earth. No matter what you think or feel of the outcome, please make it a positive one. There is always hope in the world and that has to come from each one of us.
I have also come to realize why Malaysia had to be the one in the spot light where this happens. A true wake up call. To unite us all again, to shed light into how we manage ourselves in this rich and spiritual land that is being depleted and to return it to its full glory. Blessed be.
by HeartWorks | May 10, 2012 | Enriching Articles |
For centuries now, we have been molded into a certain stereotypical way of life that is right for us. Society, friends, family all have the same mind set of what is good and right. They seem to think we should be going to school, getting good grades, excel in sports, get an excellent degree then climb the corporate ladder, make a decent living, get promoted, get married and have beautiful children. That seems like the perfect picture for most people. But when you fall short of this perfect picture, you blame yourself. Constantly asking why am I not good enough? What is wrong with me that I can’t be like the others or blame others and the world that life has been unfair for you since you are not as good or as outspoken or as pretty or as smart as the other person who’s got everything right.
But just think for a minute about that picture there.
That picture is painted by most people, someone else who doesnt know who you are, what you are capable of, how different and unique you can be and how your picture is a happier, more fulfilling one. And that you can choose to paint a different picture. If your picture is one of a single life, so be it. If your picture is one that is being an artist living from day to day, just be. If your picture is one where you are an introvert, enjoy your moments alone. If your picture is one without children, choose it. Whatever picture it may be, be sure that it’ll make you happy and fulfilled in your own life, not someone else’s.
Go on, follow your heart and paint your own picture today.

by HeartWorks | Jan 6, 2012 | Enriching Articles |
It’s already the end of the first week of the New Year and time is just flying. I’m sure I am not the only one experiencing the hours and days just passing us by in a blink of an eye and this will become more apparent as we move head first into higher consciousness.
So what is this higher consciousness or vibration that everyone seems to be talking about? It’s not as drastic as the movie 2012 where a fancier version of Noah’s Ark comes to save a few elite and the world gets wipped out, but rather it’s the death of old consciousness rebirthing into new ones.
The old thinking patters of violence, greed, adultery, evil, self-centeredness is replaced by unconditional love, peace, kindness, sharing and caring for each other. A tall order you may say, but more and more people are seeking true meaning to life, wanting a change for the better and I personally see these two extremes happening everyday.
I urge you to jump on the bandwagon, ride the waves of change. Start exploring inwards, things that will make you happy, at peace, give more meaning to life and do it soon.
The Universal energies have a funny way to kick start things for you should you decide wait. Instead of a gentle nudge you will get a steady shove. Things in your life will come crumbling down and that’s when you will ask the question we all will at some point in time – “Why Am I here?” or “Is there more to life than this?”
So what to do? Start exploring!
It may be in the form of a book (my personal favourite is The Alchemist) goggled articles; attending talks that creates a better you, taking better care of your health, going for a personal reading, starting a simple daily meditation exercise of just join one of ours and learn to quiet that mind and relax. And in time a course or even retreats to expand that beautiful consciousness of yours.
HeartWorks will undertake this 2012 to conduct more activities to help you kick start this new wave of unconditional love, peace and fulfillment in you, develop the ultimate relationship of all – the one with yourself.
So stay tuned! Subscribed to our newsletters, check out our events page and ride the wave with us!