by HeartWorks | Jun 30, 2014 | Events |
The Oneness Awakening Course is designed to help people move beyond the limitation and structures of the mind.
When we are identified with the mind -when we filter our experience through our past conditioning- We are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving.
The Oneness Awakening Course is designed to help people move beyond the limitation and structures of the mind.
When we are identified with the mind -when we filter our experience through our past conditioning- We are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving.
As a result, we find that we can be stuck with repeated patterns or obstacles in life, which contributes to health issues, unsatisfying relationship or financial difficulties.
In the 3-day course, you will learn about:
Growth and success formula.
The universal principles governing the game call “life”.
Healing relationships with your parents, spouse and children.
Connecting with your Higher Self leading to greater ease
and peace in life.
The program covers:
Oneness teachings
Ancient meditation techniques
Healing processes
Physical exercises
Deeksha (Oneness blessing)
These exercises serve to assimilate all the knowledge given to you by making them personalized and experiential to you thus enabling you to ascend and transform within a short period of time to achieve a more relaxed and joyful state.
As a result of this course, you will experience greater
ease in the area of health, wealth and relationship.
Among the benefits are:
Improved relationship with father ->improved financial status.
Improved relationship with mother ->reduced obstacles in life.
Improved relationship with your children ->art of parenting.
Improved relationship with partner ->art of listening and loving your self unconditionally.
Improved relationship with nature ->acquire universal energy and improve state of health.
Improved relationship with self ->expanding loving consciousness.
Improved relationship with your Divine ->unleashing your personal potential to create abundance, joy, love and peace in life.
Facilitator : Christie – Lai Meng Chin
Date : 1st-3rd of August
Time : 11 am-5 pm
Fee : RM 1380
Venue: HeartWorks – Desa sri Hartamas
To register, please SMS “OAC 1-3″ to 0123771191 or email
by HeartWorks | Jun 26, 2014 | Enriching Articles |

Michael Bradford MA
International Intuitive Energy Healer and Business Coach
Profound Soul Level Transformation
Michael Bradford is an International Intuitive Business Coach, Author and Spiritual Teacher, with extensive expertise in the areas of health, healing, entrepreneurship and spirituality. He has a Masters Degree in International Management and advanced training in Intuition, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki, Reading Energy Patterns and many other specialties. Using his unique cutting-edge multidimensional approach, Michael has helped more than 30,000 clients in over 50 countries to break free of their limitations, balance Karma and become more successful. This supports his clients to gain greater access to their intuition, speed up their healing process, accelerate their spiritual growth, gain clarity, improve relationships, attract greater success and increase finances. Michael offers private sessions and in-depth workshops on Personal Breakthrough, Financial Success and Intuition Training.
Michael provides Soul Transformation sessions at HeartWorks.
by HeartWorks | Jun 23, 2014 | Events |
Come discover pure, natural, highly effective and non-invasive alternatives to your healthcare!
Join us and be empowered to use pure, therapeutic grade essential oils in your family and your life to address common illnesses like:
Pain Relief, Stress, Flu and Common Cold, Immune Support, Headache, Fever, Woman’s Health, Diseases and Illnesses and many more.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Carrie from USA and be empowered in healthy living.
Facilitator: Carrie Donegan
Date : 2nd of July 2014
Time: 8 pm
Venue: HeartWorks
Fee: FREE!!
A Full House event, please register early to ensure your seat. SMS to +6012 3771191: <Name><No of Pax><HEALTHCARE> and await confirmation or email
by HeartWorks | Jun 20, 2014 | Events |
DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF THE POWER of these Secret Egyptian Healing Codes and why so many healers, nurses, doctors, lawyers and parents around the world are seeking to study this beautiful and remarkably effective system of Alchemical Ancient Egyptian Healing. This is the first course taught in Isis Mystery School, which is like a University for your Soul and is also a spiritual school for a new generation of highly skilled and trained professional healers and psychics.
Isis Lotus Healing is a system of Spiritual Energy Healing based on Ancient Egyptian Healing methods and Alchemy. It includes working with energies from the planet Sirius plus the Egyptian Divinities, especially Goddess Isis. Isis is the Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess of Magic, Healing and Spiritual Science and attunement/initiation of the student to her powerful blue healing energies are the basis for this highly effective healing modality which is taught over two full days.
ISIS LOTUS HEALING IS WONDERFUL FOR SELF HEALING plus for family and friends or as a “Hands On” system of healing for clients. The Isis Divine Blue energy is sent from the hands and heart with love and a great healing effect.
The Divine Feminine Indigo Blue Energy of Isis used for this healing system derived from a powerful mystical healing experience Elisabeth had while meditating in the Queens Chamber of The Great Pyramid of Egypt in 2003. The healing energies and teachings have increased each year during her Isis Sacred Journeys to give Initiations and channelling in the temples and pyramids of Egypt.
This is a beautiful and highly effective system of healing for those with chronic and acute pain, stress, migraines, neck and back problems, chronic fatigue and many other ailments. Both Elisabeth and Isis Lotus Healing students and teachers have experienced remarkable results using this system of healing both for themselves and clients. Course students have also received amazing healings following attendance through the “Self- Healing” techniques taught during the course.
Isis Lotus Healing is very different system of healing to say Reiki, Sekhem, or Isis Seichim. INCLUDES 3 BEAUTIFUL ENERGY ATTUNEMENTS/INITIATIONS to the Isis Divine Blue Healing energies plus Universal Energy and the Goddesses Isis and Nuit. Activates wonderful healing and psychic abilities latent within us all when your 12 strand DNA & Cosmic Energy Field are activated by this energy. Spiritual Surgery Techniques are also taught – a simple and safe process, wonderful for when nothing else seems to work! PLUS Isis Lotus Healing is a planetary system of healing and can heal the environment where it is practised.
THERE ARE NO ESSENTIAL PREREQUISITES OR PREPARATIONS. Please bring a small natural clear quartz crystal to hold during the attunements if you wish. A vegetarian diet is always recommended for Isis courses, but is not essential.
READING related Articles at first would assist the new student or those wanting more information. Reading Isis Lotus Oracle, Ancient Egyptian Divination and Magic Cards first is also very helpful.
A reasonable level of physical and emotional health is recommended and receiving personal Isis Lotus Healing treatments first is recommended if you suffer acute pain or illness. Not recommended for pregnant women due to the intense energies, although no adverse effects have ever been documented or expressed.
ALL HEALERS, even those with advanced skills, find this workshop greatly enhances their healing abilities but even newcomers become effective healers! All Health Care Professionals can adapt these energies and the knowledge taught to greatly enhance their practice of nursing, medicine or massage.
Includes three beautiful energy attunements/Initiations plus Course Manual & Charts plus Certificate of Attendance. The Isis Lotus Healing Meditation CD and Isis Lotus Oracle Cards are optional but HIGHLY recommended to purchase & are essential to attend Isis Lotus Divination. Available at HeartWorks
Date: 21 & 22 July 2014
Time: 10am – 6pm
Fee: RM1,300
Facilitated by Sri Mulyadi and Paul Filmer
Payment plans available for those who need it, please enquire with us
For enquiries or to register, please call or SMS 012-3771191 or email
by HeartWorks | Jun 20, 2014 | Events |
Using very unique and highly accurate cards created especially for this course by Sri Mulyadi – ISIS LOTUS ORACLE, Ancient Egyptian Divination and Magick Cards. This will enable you to be able to give yourself and others clear and insightful readings.
Prerequisite Course: Isis Lotus Healing Level One. The Isis Lotus Divination course is an essential prerequisite to Isis Lotus Healing Level Two.
Cards are available during Level One (or in Bookshops) to purchase to prepare for this course – please read the guidebook prior to the course if possible please – and bring your Isis Lotus Oracle Cards to the course please !
Using the process of Divination – i.e. to commune with the Divinities to access their wisdom and guidance – and Alchemy – converting dense physical energies to more higher ones through Initiations/Attunements and meditations – we will create Magick in our lives!
See your own life, understand why situations are occurring, and change your future using Ancient Egyptian Magickal ways to do this. Elisabeth has researched this subject in GREAT detail and these simple practices and meditations are effective.
A wonderful way to connect with all the Ancient Egyptian Divinities and receive their messages plus to enhance your Isis Lotus One healing practice. You will be able to offer very clear, accurate, surprisingly specific and wise readings to yourself and family and clients. Includes invoking each Divinity, Egyptian Magick, Numerology, Past Life Readings plus using the cards for medical intuition. Includes a highly effective Karmic Release Meditation and Clearing by Elisabeth for all students.
PLUS powerful Energy Attunements/ Initiations to the Egyptian God Horus – to open fully your third eye. Plus to Goddess Isis to make you an Oracle of Isis.
Includes two energy attunements, comprehensive notes, plus a Certificate of Attendance.
This course is a two-day course with notes and a Certificate.
Facilitator : Sri Mulyadi
Date: 23 & 24 July 2014
Time: 10am – 6pm
Fee: RM1,300
Payment plans available for those who need it, please enquire with us
For enquiries or to register, please contact us.
by HeartWorks | Jun 20, 2014 | Events |
Come join us as we celebrate HeartWorks’s 3rd Anniversary!! Its our Birthday and we have a lot in stored for you!
We have a host of free workshops as follows:
12.30pm – Managing Stress with Jaime
2pm – Isis Lotus Healing with Sri
3.30pm – Emotions and Essential Oils with Fang Yi
11am – Sacred Earth Realms Healing with Alia & Aurora (Stephanie)
12.30pm – Aphrodisiac Oils for Healthy Relationships with Paul & Sri
3.30pm – Oneness Awakening with Christie
We have our in house practitioners, aka HeartSmiths offering mini sessions at a very special fee so you can try out a host of our services.
– Oracle and Tarot Card Reading with Alia, Aurora & Sri
– Astrology Reading with Melissa
– Hand Massage with Fang Yi
– SRT Reading and Clearing with Paul Filmer
– BioCommunication assessment
– Deeskha with Christie and Lai Meng
Date: 19th and 20th of July
Time: 11 – 5pm daily
Everyone is welcomed! Door gifts for all and the Lucky 3rd person of our happy hour will receive a Wild Orange essential oil for free! Bring your friends and family and loved ones to join us in our merriment!
Call 6211 0676 for enquiries
by HeartWorks | Jun 18, 2014 | Events |
The Oneness Awakening Course is designed to help people move beyond the limitation and structures of the mind.
When we are identified with the mind -when we filter our experience through our past conditioning- We are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving.
As a result, we find that we can be stuck with repeated patterns or obstacles in life, which contributes to health issues, unsatisfying relationship or financial difficulties.
In the 3-day course, you will learn about:
- Growth and success formula.
- The universal principles governing the game call “life”.
- Healing relationships with your parents, spouse and children.
- Self-expansion.
- Connecting with your Higher Self leading to greater ease and peace in life.
The program covers:
- Oneness teachings
- Ancient meditation techniques
- Healing processes
- Physical exercises
- Contemplations
- Deeksha (Oneness blessing)
These exercises serve to assimilate all the knowledge given to you by making them personalized and experiential to you thus enabling you to ascend and transform within a short period of time to achieve a more relaxed and joyful state.
As a result of this course, you will experience greater ease in the area of health, wealth and relationship. Among the benefits are:
- Improved relationship with father ->improved financial status.
- Improved relationship with mother ->reduced obstacles in life.
- Improved relationship with your children ->art of parenting.
- Improved relationship with partner ->art of listening and loving your self unconditionally.
- Improved relationship with nature ->acquire universal energy and improve state of health.
- Improved relationship with self ->expanding loving consciousness.
- Improved relationship with your Divine ->unleashing your personal potential to create abundance, joy, love and peace in life.
Facilitator : Christie – Lai Meng Chin
Date : 4th-6th of July
Time : 11 am-5 pm
Fee : RM 1380
Venue: HeartWorks Center – Desa sri Hartamas
To register, please SMS “Deeksha 4-6” to 0123771191 or email
by HeartWorks | Jun 6, 2014 | Events |
During the session, Lai Meng will be sharing life changing experience and the understanding of the unconscious mind and how it impacts our life. Learn about the three types of suffering in life and what it means to be spiritually awakened, and how to set right relationships. In this session, you will be guided through an ancient meditation and given Deeksha (Divine energy transfer).
Facilitator : Chin Lai Meng
Date: 19 June 2014
Time: 19.30-21.30
To register, please SMS “Self Discovery 19” to 0123771191 or email
by HeartWorks | Jun 6, 2014 | Enriching Articles |
A couple of weeks ago, Heartworks lost a beloved member of our team, HannyOceanstar Tara. While I did not know her personally, by all accounts she was a beautiful soul, committed to healing and illuminating those around her with her presence. Her passing made me reflect on a number of things: the fleetingness of life as well as all the opportunities that come our way that we take for granted and miss out on, believing that there will always be a next time.
In particular, it brought to the forefront a message that had previously been given to me:
“Life is Precious and Urgent. Love, the Universe”
Most of us do not think about how quickly life can be taken away. There is always tomorrow, and the day after that. Some people are not so lucky and live with an awareness of their impending passing. People confronted with having a limited time left on earth usually have one of two reactions, they give up and resign themselves to their fate or they take the opportunity to live the best days of their lives and accomplish as many of their dreams as they can.
The truth is, all of us, whether we know it or not, are in the same position. While we may not have doctors telling us when we will pass on, the day will inevitably come whether it is tomorrow or 50 years from now. Similarly, we are all faced with the same choice every time we wake up in the morning. Do we give in and resign ourselves to the way things are or do we take the opportunity to make the best use of our time here as we can?
What if we all lived with an awareness that we could pass on at any time? What would you do differently? Who would you speak to that you have not spoken to? What risks and opportunities would you take? What dreams would you chase?
On your deathbed, how would you speak about the life that you had led?
I have a poster of that message in my room. It reminds me not to take my time on earth for granted, to constantly choose action over inaction and to cultivate an appreciation and love for those around me.We do not know what the future will bring but we do have the present moment. I choose to live in the present moment based on a future that I want for myself.
What does this message mean to you? Is there anything that you would do differently?
by HeartWorks | Jun 2, 2014 | Events |
Our emotions is the gateway to our physical challenges that We face right now and in order to understand why we are experiencing certain physical challenges we need to understand the root cause of the issues.
So if you are experiencing fatigue, stress, trauma, hormonal imbalances, come and discover effective tools that you can use to bring your life back to balance.
Hong Chua is an experienced Sharman and a Wellness Educator. He will share with you his vast knowledge and expertise on how the physical body reacts to emotional challenges.
This is an amazing and empowering workshop for those with physical and emotional challenges using meditation and essential oils to create a difference in your life.
Date: 13 June 2014
Time: 8pm – 9.30pm
Fee: FREE – Hong is gracious to share his knowledge and expertise to all who needs it, so come join us in a night of discovery and empowerment.
HeartWorks will also be offering 3 lucky participants a free Wild Orange essential oil to take home with them. So bring your family and friends along for this informative night.
Registration is necessary so please SMS “EMOTIONS” to 012-3771191 or email us to confirm your attendance.