Do you find yourself loving someone for some of their qualities and disliking other parts of them, so much that you can’t bear to continue the relationship?
I had my fair share of choosing the wrong matches. Why? Because it was important to me that my other half is extremely humourous and tall, as I find that very attractive.
I tend to fall for the bad-boys, all that excitement, adventures, lust and spontaneity. Those qualities are definitely nice to have, but what’s more important are the qualities that can last for years, things that grow the bond and the love and things that make 2 people happy to be with each other.
Relationships are not easy, however choosing a right match could possibly make things a little easier on your path to being together. When long-term goals come into reality, the important aspects that truly matter are none of the above that I mentioned. It is what’s beyond the surface of a person, the inner qualities, the well-rounded person who has a balance of everything. We tend to be very attracted to one or two extremes, which usually fade off. After a while, you’ll know that the attraction has died and the qualities that makes a lasting relationship are absent.
So what can you do differently now? Try looking beyond a person’s age, looks, financial status, race and even gender. What are their inner qualities? It might not strike you immediately that you are oh-so-attracted to them, no thunder lightning sparks going crazy but observe them as a whole person. Get to know them, go on a few dates and you might find something that’s comforting, warm and fulfilling there.